Monday, February 18, 2008

Valentines Day

Muuuuah! Happy Valentines day!
So how was your little love Holliday? Ours was blissfull! ... Well as blissfull as you can get in the real world. It was very tender, i do say that my husband is just the sweetest thing i could ask for!
Well the day started out with me waking up so sick i could have cried! But i had all ready promised Radawn that I would help her with the flowers at Costco. See it was her first time doing flowers on Valentines, let me rephrase that, flowers at Costco on Valentines day! so i knew she would need as much help as possible no matter how crappy my sick help would be. I took a vacation day at work and went in for her at nine am. it was madness and lets just say the flowers were the only thing keeping people from noticing how horrible i looked! Well after the crazy day i left to go get ready for the secret night that Mike and Aaron Brady had planned for me and Brady's wife Rachel.
I still had to pick up Mike's watch(his valentines present) and i promised myslef i would do my hair the way mike liked it, no matter how long it took. see mike happens to like my hair done the way it takes me longest, barrel curled with the curling iron, yes layer by layer small loose curls, and anyone who knows or has seen my hair knows i have quite a bit!!! It took an hour plus the makeup and the perfect black outfit... needless to say i wasn't on time,but my sweet little husband was so patient with me! They then proceeded to blind fold us and take us to the secret place that they had planned our little night.
We were inside and they removed the blind fold and we were in the basement of my in laws and it was dimmly lit with candels and the table was set for us four and it was so cutely adorned with valentine themed decorations, thanks in some part to my sweet mother in law! It was so tender!!!! They had cooked the meal all by themselves, Rachel even cried! They made us a grilled steak and mash potato dinner garnished with salad, fruit, and sparkling ciders! isn't that tender! My husband is so thoughtfull, the night was perfect except the fact that i was exasted and hacking up a lung!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sam, I'm stocking you! Ha Ha I just ran in to your blog and you look stunning in your wedding pictures. Hope all is well for you and your hubby. I have a few pictures of Carli's new baby boy on my blog if you want to check them out.
